Looks like I’m not the only one switching from the iPhone and writing about it (Friday Diary Part 1 and Part 2). Yesterday I read on iMedicalApps.com the post, “A Physician’s experiment with switching from iPhoen to Android-the beginning,” from Iltifat Husain. His reasons for trying an Android were partly based on professional curiosity and on a dare from a physician friend. Basically he said there was no way he could suggest iOS platforms over Androids in the medical community if all he had used was an iPhone and hadn’t used an Android. Good point.
I think it should be noted that for his experiment, Husain will still be with AT&T and will be using the Nexus S with Gingerbread (Android 2.3 operating system) running. Unfortuanetly, he is only giving his experiment 3 weeks. After moving from an iPhone to an Android I personally think 3 weeks is not enough time to really get used to the feel of the Android. I bought my Android (Motorola Triumph Android 2.2.2 operating system) about 3 weeks ago and I am still working on reprogramming my brain from iPhone to Android.
While I have reviewed the basics of switching carriers, the Triumph, and general apps on the Android, I have not started discussing the Android system nor the apps related to the medical profession. It was on my to do list but since I will be keeping this phone for at least a year, I wanted to set up basic functions and apps that I use on a daily basis (like the damn infernal contacts). While things like the contacts and syncing email are important, they are of a general nature and not specific to any one group or profession. Thankfully, Husain will be discussing how the Android handles things specifically important to medical professionals. In his next few posts he will be focusing the quality and number of medical apps, ability to read and store medical literature, and the overall user experience of the operating system (my guess Gingerbread since that is what his phone has). I will be very interested in his thoughts. Not only do I want to know about the medical apps doctors would use daily and the differences (if any) between the two platforms, but I am also interested to see what he thinks about Flash and whether having it on the Android is helpful.
Hopefully between the two of us and our reviews, we will have covered enough about the Android to help people decide what platform they want. That is if they have a choice, so many hospitals only let people use one platform (usually Blackberry) over others that the decision may be taken away from them if they want it tied into the hospital’s email, system access, etc. Of course there a lot of people using iPhones (unapproved device) in my hospital that perhaps system integration isn’t as essential to them as the iPhone experience. If people are willing to trade system integration for user experience, then discussing the differences between the iPhone and Android may be even more important.