I am a little late on this, I appologize.
As of November 18, 2009, the National Library of Medicine stopped distributing their updates so that they can transistion to the 2010 version of MeSH. For those of you using Ovid, the November Week 3 2009 is most latest update. So if you want to most recent citations you either need to run them in the new PubMed or in Ovid’s MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations database. Ovid’s In-Process etc. database will continue to be updated through the full reload process. However, don’t forget these citations are not MeSHed and your searching will be slightly different.
NLM expects to complete the reload by mid-December. I will try to be more on the ball and let you know when things are up and running as normal with the 2010 MeSH.
Those of you who have AutoAlerts saved on Ovid please be aware that AutoAlerts will not be generated because there are no updates from NLM. Take this opportunity to check your AutoAlerts or your MyNCBI searches against the 2010 MeSH to see if you need to adjust your strategy and update new our outdated terms accordingly.