Are you an MLA member and an MIS member and want/need a little career development support? If so, you might want to apply for the Medical Informatics Section/MLA Career Development Grant!
The Medical Informatics Section/MLA Career Development Grant provides one individual up to $1500 to support a career development activity that will contribute to advancement in the field of medical informatics.
The application deadline is December 1, 2013.
The full grant application, including eligibility requirements, is available at:
For additional information, contact Michael Newman, Jury Chair, at mnewman[atsign]stanford[dot edu].
I think grants, awards, and scholarships are a great way to help us within the profession. Committee or jury chairs from other MLA, Chapter, Section, NN/LM, grants scholarships please feel free to email me and I will almost always post your announcement. I hate to see good money go unused because nobody applied for it and I just hope my posting it helps get the word out.
I do reserve the right not to post your grant if it doesn’t fall within the scope of libraries or medical librarianship in some remote way.