I ran across an fun and interesting blog post from In The Library with the Lead Pipe, titled “What Not To Do When Applying for Library Jobs“. The post is interesting not only in content but how it was created. They decided to do a “collective wisdom” post about library job hunting mistakes. Essentially it is a group post pooling information on the “do’s and don’t’s” of looking and interviewing for a library job.
There is practical information on planning, applying for a position, application process and materials, phone interviews, interview prep, interviews, references, the offer, and “after you land the job.” There is something for everyone and it doesn’t hurt to read through these things before you decide to apply for a job.
Once you have read the post and you find you have some suggestions, they welcome any of your thoughts, advice and questions.
Of course looking for a job is serious, but if you find you need a little stress relief, you might want to check out the the recent article, “43 Things Actually Said in Job Interviews” from Career Builder.
assistant librarian job, 3 yrs exp