MLA Focus just emailed the election results and I want to congratulate the new Board Members and Nominating Committee. But I want to steal a quote from Nikki Dettmar which summarizes my thoughts completely.
Nikki was on the Nominating Committee that help select the people on the ballot this year. As she mentions below she is on her NomCom13 Soapbox.
“<Spontaneous Me-on-NomCom13 Soapbox>Yes, a very hearty congrats to those who were elected to Medical Library Association positions! HOWEVER, I would like to offer an even warmer expression of gratitude to all those who were NOT elected: Both those who were actually on the ballot, and those who responded in the affirmative to our initial inquires about willingness to BE on the ballot. For as often as I have heard so many in our field bitch & moan about how ‘MLA needs to do something about…’ YOU WERE WILLING TO! And I hope you don’t stop just because it didn’t work out this time. Now join in the #medlibs chat at the top of the hour about our future. Peace out. </Spontaneous Me-on-NomCom13 Soapbox>”
Nikki you said it perfectly that I have no better way to express it other than to re-post it on my blog (for those of you wondering, yes I did ask her permission).
The greatest way to get MLA to do more or to change is for you to volunteer and do something. Don’t sit on the sidelines or be a back seat driver! Get out take charge and shape the organization. For all the medical librarians who aren’t members of MLA but also complain that MLA doesn’t help them and that is the reason they aren’t members….. I have one thing to say…. PTTHBBBBBBB! What have you done to change that?! What have you done to shape MLA?!
That is why I want to join Nikki and thank EVERYBODY who was on the ballot or who agreed to be nominated to be on the ballot, because they were willing to step up and take action. Keep it up!