At the 2008 Annual MLA Meeting, the NLM Online Users’ Meeting had a preview of the upcoming PubMed redesign. Tomorrow (August 8th 5th), David Gillikin, Chief of NLM’s Bibliographic Services will once again provide a preview for anyone who did not get to attend the user meeting in Honolulu. David will present a brief web-based update on PubMed interface changes and will review the draft design for the new search results page and abstract view presented at MLA.
To join the meeting:
When: 08/05/2009 2:00 PM (EST), 1:00 pm (CST)
Sign in as a Guest with your first and last name.
After joining the meeting, you can let the system call you for the audio. If you need to manually dial into the meeting: Dial-In: 1-866-846-3997 Pass-Code: 974772
This session will be recorded for those unable to attend.
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For those of you living in the Western half of the country it will be on August 11, 2009 11:30 – Noon Pacific time (12:30 – 1:00 Mountain, 10:30 – 11 Alaska). There will be a reminder to the HLIB-NW listserv on August 10th about the presentation and we look forward to seeing you there! Go to Dragonfly for more information.
The PubMed changes and redesign drew quite few reactions from the MEDLIB-l community (especially the Citation Matcher issue) so it important for everyone (even you die hard Ovid users) to attend. Changes may impact you or users in ways you never thought about. I encourage you to pass this along to your colleagues who might not be subscribed to the listservs or who aren’t big blog readers (feel free to cut and paste this post in an email).
Just wanted to note a correction. In the first paragraph, I think the date should be August 5, not the 8th. 🙂 Thanks for reminding us!