E-Books Virtual Summit

Library Journal recently sponsored the online virtual conference, “ebooks: Libraries @ the Tipping Point.”  Bad news is the summit is over, it was held September 29, 2010.  Good news is they recorded the sessions and they are available. The archive of the summit is available for $19.95, all you have to do is fill and pay for registration before December 31, 2010. 

For those of you who already registered all you have to do is enter your email and password to access the archives. 

Access to the archives of the summit for $20 is a good deal, but I understand you may be unwilling to fork over your Friday night pizza money without knowing about the content of the summit. 

According to the website librarians discussed:

  • Librarians and library administrators learned about current best practices for library ebook collections and explored new and evolving models for ebook content discovery and delivery.
  • Publishers and content creators learned how to effectively identify and develop the right content offerings for each segment of the relatively untapped library ebook market.
  • Ebook platform vendors and device manufacturers learned just what libraries need and want in this rapidly changing environment.

If you are still undecided, The Librarian in Black, Sarah Houghton-Jan, wrote six blog posts on the summit discussing the keynote speakers and issues like ebooks impact on libraries, publishers and readers. 

If after reading through the description of the summit and Sarah’s blog posts, you find the information interesting, you might want to spring for the archive.  It might also serve as a nice spring board for the next MLA webcast ABCs of E-books: Strategies for the Medical Library and get your mind ready so that you have some good questions or discussion points to bring up during the webcast.