Free Class: Teaching with Technology

The National Technology Center will be teaching the free online class from July 23 – August 27 2012, “Teaching with Technology: Tips, Techniques adnd Tools.” 

As I mentioned the class is free and open to U.S. residents, but enrollment size is limited so they ask that you check your schedule to be ensure that you have time to complete the entire class. 

(class description from the MARquee

In this class, you will learn about using technology tools for teaching distance learning courses.  We will discuss options and best practices for asynchronous and synchronous distance classes, as well as “blended” classes that offer both in-person and online options.  Adult learning principles will be reviewed.  We will examine and discuss examples of software and website tools in teaching.

The class is taught “asynchronously” using the Moodle course management system, so you can complete the classwork at a time convenient for you.  Allow approximately 2 hours per week for independent classwork.  There are 4 weeks of assignments, readings, and discussions, with the 5th week saved for a “catch-up” week.  Upon completion of the class you will receive 8 MLA CE credits.

To register:

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