Free Consumer Health Online Class

Health & Wellness @ the Library: The Essentials of Providing Consumer Health Services is a FREE online 4 week class from February 27, 2012 – March 23, 2012 taught by Kelli Ham and is approved for 12 MLA CE.  

 Course Description (from the website):

This online course defines the core competencies of providing consumer health information services and then dives directly into the essential skills and knowledge that library staff need to build those competencies. The course starts by preparing you with tools to learn the demographics and health status of people in your community. Together we will examine issues of literacy, health literacy, and the health information needs of special populations. By understanding the needs of your own community and the information-seeking behaviors of users, you will be prepared with the right tools and resources even before the questions are asked.

From there we will explore authoritative resources for just about any type of health question, apps and mobile health technologies, how people are using social networking for health questions, and how to create fun and informative health-related programming for different age groups and special populations in your community. Participants will learn about core print reference and other materials for library collections, quality web resources beyond the major sites, and tips for helping library users evaluate health materials they encounter on their own.

A new topic area each week will expand on familiar concepts and provide exposure to new concepts, techniques and resources to take your skills to the next level. At the beginning of Week 2, participants will start to explore topic areas for their final project.

For more information go to:

4 thoughts on “Free Consumer Health Online Class”

  1. Yes, the course popularity exceeded our expectations! It reached capacity right away, and registration was closed after 24 hours. We are looking into the possibility of offering this course in other locations throughout the next year.

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