Gadgets, Tools, and Apps: Free Webcast

Are you struggling to keep up with new technologies, or are you pretty tech savvy and like to try and stay up to date with things?  Library Journal’s Webcast Alert just alerted me to a free 1 hour webcast on Tuesday February 9, 2010  at 3:00pm EST called, Gadgets and Tools and Apps, Oh My!

Two panelists, Tina Hertel and Karla Marsteller will be discussing updates on search, communication, and graphics applications and gadgets for the library. 

Bummer, you say you are at the reference desk at that time, or it is your day off because you are working the weekend?  Never fear, the webcast will be archived for one year following the intial broadcast. 

Registration is FREE!

Tina is a Librarian/Help Desk Analyst at E.W. Fairchild Martindale Library, Lehigh University.  Karla is the Excutive Director at Palmyra Public Library.  I realize neither of these librarians are medical librarians so some of the things they might talk about won’t be applicable to us in the medical world.  But there are a lot of tech things out there I am sure they will mention a few things that will be interesting and helpful to us. 

Oh and did I mention that all it costs is one hour of your time?! Pretty good deal if you can come away with a nugget or two of information.