This morning I read an email from Max Anderson, Technology Coordinator of the NN/LM GMR, about the opportunity for hospital and academic medical libraries within the GMR to be a part of group purchasing packages. As budgets shrink many librarians are looking for ways to get more bang for their buck and one is to purchase things as a group.
I know there are many hospital librarians within the 10 GMR states that may not be subscribed to the GMRLIST where Max posted this information and I felt this was just too important not to re-post. My hope is by re-posting it, the message will spread to others who may not have been on the list when the email was sent.
If you are librarian working at a medical library within the GMR, please fill out the questionnaire. The more people we have the better informed we are about what the needs are of the region and the better we are to try and get package that will be the most beneficial.
(re-posted with permission from Max Anderson)
Hello GMR Members!
The E-Licensing Working Group of the RAC at the GMR has been in contact with the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS) about possibly offering group purchasing of health-related online packages (ebooks, ejournals, databases, etc) to all GMR members in the 10-state region. In order to determine which packages might be initially offered to GMR members, we would like you to complete a questionnaire.
All of these are the electronic versions – no print versions. Please submit your completed survey by 5/31/2010
These offers are for new business only. The vendors are not at this time willing to change pre-existing packages. However, if this project brings them enough new business, they may take notice of it and be more inclined to offer deals for pre-existing packages.
There are virtually no price lists for any of these products. As is the case with many vendors, we won’t know what price they are willing to come down to or discount they might offer, unless we know how many organizations are interested in the product in the first place. This is sort of the chicken/egg syndrome.
Please fill out the questionnaire, which can be found here: