Due to Valentine’s Day there will be no #medlibs Twitter discussion this Thursday. But the discussion will continue in the Thursdays to follow. What started out as an experiment in discussing medical library issues with others via Twitter, has grown considerably.
Previous discussions have been on:
- Disaster Planning (with participation from NLM Disaster Info https://twitter.com/NLM_DIMRC)
- Embedded Librarianship
- Data Management
- Single Service Desk
- Library Education
People are online every Thursday at 9pm Eastern time and it is always a lively informative and entertaining discussion.
Now that the discussion has grown, it is difficult for one person to play host every week. Nikki Dettmar (@eagledawg) has done a great job but she needs help. She needs people willing to host the discussion on a Thursday.
Speaking as somebody who has hosted a few times, it is VERY EASY!!!!! Nikki has done the heavy lifting. She has created a hosting calendar and she has a service that already records the #medlibs tweets posted during the hour long discussion. So all you have to do is sign up for a day to discuss a topic. You don’t even have to do it alone! February 28th will be on the Horizon Report and it will be hosted by @pfanderson, @kr_barker and a few others.
Thursday Feb. 21st is still open as well as a whole bunch of other dates. So if you are a #medlibs participant go to the calendar and pick a date. If the date is somewhat far out then don’t worry so much about the topic, you can always add that as it gets closer. *Please note the calendar is set on West coast time…so make sure you adjust your private calendar for your own time zone.
On the day and time of your hosted #medlibs chat, you just welcome people, state the topic and have 1-3 questions available to pose should our loquatious group fails to talk. That is it! See easy peasy. Hope to see you hosting.