Krafty Librarian to Host Medlib Blog Carnival March 9, 2010

Even though it is still snowing and  are in a fluffy white deep freeze, March is just around the corner.  March is not only the month of Spring and flowers but it is also when I will be hosting the Medlib Blog Carnival.

The Medlib Blog Carnival is a collection of blog posts on things pertaining to medical libraries.  Each month a new collection of posts are hosted at a different blog site for others to read.  March is my turn to host. 

So all of you medical, health, and library bloggers out there, please consider submitting one of you posts to the carnival.  Submissions must be made by March 6, 2010 to the .  You don’t have to specifically be a medical librarian or a librarian to submit a post.  The post just has to be related to medicine and libraries in some way.  Some topic examples are: library technology, librarianship, Evidence Based Medicine (EBM), PubMed, bibliographic databases, information literacy, open access, print vs. online, medical apps, library apps, mobile technology, user education, etc. 

I look forward to all of the submissions and will have them up for everybody to read March 9, 2010.

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