MCR Offers Free Class on Mobile PubMed

Every fourth Wednesday of the month from March through July 2010 the MidContinental Region presents information and instruction on resources from the National Library of Medicine. The call these sessions Spotlight! On National Library of Medicine Resources and they are free. 

The next two sessions are all about mobile resources, on June 23, 2010 the session will focus on Mobile PubMed and on July 28, 2010 it will be on Mobile MedlinePlus & MedlinePlus Twitter.   

If you are interested in the June 23, 2010 class Register online at (registration is not required but is appreciated).  Those who take the one-hour class and complete the exercises and class evaluation are eligible to receive 1 Medical Library Association Continuing Education credit.

If you aren’t available to take the class on the date that it is offered or if you are interested in previous classes the MCR has presented, check out their website and scroll to Previous Sessions where they have links to the archived recordings.