It is Monday March 8, 2010 and is time for the monthly Medlib Blog Carnival hosted at the Krafty Librarian. Next month will be hosted at EagleDawg so if you missed this month’s deadline please consider submitting your post to next month’s carnival.
So without further ado, let’s get this party started.
Laika’s MedLibLog starts us off with the book review Searching Skills Toolkit. Finding the Evidence [Book Review].
“Most books on Evidence Based Medicine give little attention to the first two steps of EBM: asking focused answerable questions and searching the evidence. Being able to appraise an article, but not being able to find the best evidence may be challenging and frustrating to the busy clinicians.”
Vivo project blogger and Bioinformatic Specialist at Becker Medical Library Kristi Holmes blogs about Libraries: perfect partners for research.
“There’s no doubt about it – we’re in the age of interdisciplinary science and it seems like everyone is looking to build innovative research teams. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to discover collaborators and make meaningful connections within one’s own building – let alone across campus or beyond.”
Medical and health librarians who like to pair some of their outreach and marketing efforts around various health observance days, months, etc. might be interested to read the post The National Health Observances Toolkit by Walter Jessen.
In Dr. Shock’s post Read It Later, he discusses using the product Read It Later as a better alternative to Evernote and Google Notebook (of which Google dropped the development).
Nikki Detmar author of the EagleDawg blog (and next month’s Carnival Hosts) sets the bar for next month by submitting two of her interesting posts and recommending another post from Dean Giustini.
Nikki’s two posts Joint Commission: Transparency Obscured? and Ben Goldacre explains the placebo effect are great and Dean’s Top (20) Semantic Search Tools 2010 for those interested in a semantic search engines is a must read.
In the post, More Women Get Heart Disease Information from *the Newspaper* Than the Internet? Rachel Walden finds it odd that in this day and age when Pew Internet says more people are looking at the Internet to answer their health questions that still more women get their information about heart disease from newspapers.
Finally, Alisha Miles provides her insights on Rounding: A solo medical librarian’s perspective and also thoughts on the possibilities of ‘Beam’ing medical videos.
I hope there was something here that interested you and helped you think of things a little differently. Additionally if you planned on submitting this month but it slipped your mind you still have the opportunity to submit a post for next month to be hosted at EagleDawg just submitting your post.
Thanks for including us in this month’s carnival, Michelle! I want to be sure to let everyone know that the entire VIVO Outreach team authored the post at Thanks again! 🙂
Thank you Michelle for this wonderful overview.