The Online Program Planner for the MLA 2010 Annual Meeting is up and running. I have just quickly browsed through it and selected a few things that I will be attending.
“It is possible to access your itinerary using an online mobile device such as an iPhone or BlackBerry by entering the link in your mobile browser.”
Krafty’s Hint: The URL is long and if you want to type the entire thing into the web browser on your cell phone then more power to you, but I have a better way. Copy that unique URL and paste it into an email you send to yourself. Access that email from your mobile device and then bookmark it.
I am not sure if I am going to use the Online Program Planner this year or not. Last year I experimented with adding everything into Google Calendar (which is also on my iPhone). I was able to add meet ups with friends, social gatherings, and other things that are not on the official program. I also set it to alert me 10 minutes prior to the event so that I knew where I needed to be next.