As 2011 comes to a close, it makes sense to start highlighting 2012 events. One major event in 2012 is the Annual Meeting in Seattle. The NPC has been hard at work trying to make it a great meeting. In the upcomming months there will be more and more updates about the meeting and you if you want to be in loop of what is going on then you will want to check out the Official MLA ’12 Blog and use #mlanet12 as the meeting’s hashtag on Twitter.
So go to and bookmark it or add it to your RSS feed reader because there will be some posts in the near future on our speakers, the Opening Reception (aka Opening Day), and the call for bloggers and much more. Once we have selected our bloggers, things will really take off with posts about the meeting.
Do you have a question about logistics, programming, or anything else about the meeting? Want to pick some of the NPC people’s brains? Or do you just want to chat in general about the meeting? Try posting on Twitter. Use the hashtag #mlanet12 and type away, we will see it an respond. Not only are the two NPC co-chairs on Twitter but so are many other NPC and LAC members. Are you new to Twitter? That is ok. We plan on having another online MLA Twitter tutorial available for people. It is still a little early and it isn’t quite ready to go live, but if you want to join in on the #mlanet12 discussion and just want a little refresher check out A Beginner’s Guide to Twitter.
Keep in touch!