In an effort to connect to more members MLA is experimenting with meeting based social network site called CrowdVine. Connie Schardt wrote a nice little piece about it on Medlib-l. MLA has created a customized CrowdVine site for the 2010 meeting to help participants interact “before, during and and after the meeting.”
The CrowdVine site links has links to the official meeting page, official blog, and allows members to set up RSS feeds into the site (blog posts, photo streams, social bookmarking, etc.) As Connie mentions, “the real power of the service is its ability to identify participants that share common interests that they can seek out and meet, in person, at the conference.”
Hop on CrowdVine look around and if you are interested sign up and start adding some of your information or join in a discussion. If you are more of the lurking type, sign up and just watch what happens, who knows maybe you might go from lurker to occasional contributer.
Social bookmarking these days are very common and it is also one way to get backlinks`””