MLA Scholarly Communications Committee Tracking STM Publishers Who Freeze or Decrease 2010 Prices

Shortly after I wrote the post about AMA freezing their 2010 subscription prices at 2009 price, I cam across this poston liblicense.  According to the email posted on the list, MLA’s Scholarly Communications Committee is creating a list of STM publishers who have either frozen or decreased their 2010 subscription prices for some of their journals.

They are willing to share this information once they have it all compiled. 

Below is a list of the publishers they are currently aware of so far.  If you know of any STM publishers not on the list who have frozen or decreased their prices for some of the journals, contact Karen Albert, Senior Director for Education and Information Services at Talbot Research Library karenalbert[at sign]fccc[dot]com.

  • ASM (American Society for Microbiology)
  • *American Mathematical Society
  • Annual Reviews
  • ***European Endocrinology Societies –Price freezing on selected
    individual titles for libraries that can commit to continuing to
    subscribe for 2010-12
  • SPIE
  • National Academy of Sciences – PNAS
  • Oxford U. Press: there will be no increase in the online only price between 2009 and 2010 for the majority of our journals.
  • Rockefeller U. Press
  • Earthscan

This list might be very helpful.  I think it would be interesting to have a list of database providers, ebook providers, and other online resources too.  However that might be initially biting off more than we can chew.