MLA’10 Online Content

If you didn’t attend the meeting and you missed the opportunity for the $100 early registration for online attendance, you still have the ability to register now for $180 to access the videos and resources from the annual meeting online.  While $100 was a great deal, that ship has sailed, but $180 is still a good deal considering you didn’t have to pay for airfare, hotel, and food.  For $180 you have access to approximately 40 videos of meetings, programs, and section programs, plus the videos from the lightning posters, and PDFs of the traditional posters.

Post-conference registration is available at the MLA 2010 site.  If you attended MLA either online or in person don’t lose your conference email confirmation because that has your badge number which you will need to access the online content. 

The NLM Technical Bulletin now has a link to the video of Dr. John Halamka’s Leiter Lecture that was given at the NLM on the last day of the MLA Conference. 

Also check out Melissa Rethlefsen’s video (YouTube) of the Section Shuffle that happened at MLA.  In the video you get to see some of the section members talk about their sections and why you should join, you might also happen to spot a couple of your colleagues in the background.  Great job Melissa.