New PubMed

It’s up, it’s down.  It’s the new version, but wait the old version is back.  The new PubMed has been up and down more more often than a yo-yo dieter.  While some things seem to be working, other things are not.  There is also the whole, “Where is that link/button/feature hiding on the new site” frustration.

Needless to day we all probably need a good class on the ins and outs of the new PubMed since the last class addressed the new changes but thanks to the PubMed developers didn’t have them live for us to see.  How frustrating!  Check out the NN/LM site and your region’s site to see what classes or handouts they might have on the new design.

Here are just some of the listings of classes and information resources I found:

  • GMR will be presenting several one hour PubMed updates for MLA CE. Check out the Cornflower for more information.
  • On the Pacific Northwest Region’s blog, it features several helpful handouts and videos on the new interface.  They have a PubMed “Quick Tour” video tutorial and a “Where has it Gone?”  brochure (produced by the librarians at U. Washington Health Sciences Library) to help users familiar with the old interface.
  • The SCR CONNECTions Monthly Web Meetings November 12th topic will be Special Edition PubMed Redesign.

There will always be some bumps along the road of change but the best way to make those smaller is to look at ways we can futher educate ourselves.  Additionally by learning how to use the new interface, we become more savvy users with better questions and concerns to submit to those that designed the system.  Feedback is an important loop in developing products and PubMed is no different.  So don’t forget the three methods by which you can do that.

One thought on “New PubMed”

  1. Michelle: I’ve sent so many feedback messages to PubMed that I have lost count. The sad fact is, I am convinced no changes will be made based on our feedback. At this point, I would be surprised if anyone is even reading them.

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