Nominations Sought for MLA Awards

The November 1st deadline to nominate somebody for an MLA award is fast approaching.  There are a lot of awards out there, surely you know of at least one person who would be perfect for an award, so get moving and nominate them! 

Virginia L. and William K. Beatty MLA Volunteer Award – This award recognizes someone who has been volunteering their time and going that extra mile to the Medical Library Association.

Estelle Brodman Award for the Academic Medical Librarian of the Year – This award recognizes a mid career medical librarian who demonstrates significant achievement and potential for leadership and continuing excellent. 

Lois Ann Colaianni Award for Excellence and Achievement in Hospital LibrarianshipNOTE: There wasn’t a winner for this award last year! So this year start thinking of a dynamic and exceptional hospital that deserves this award!  This award recognizes individuals who are visionaries and provide outstanding service in hospital librarianship.

Janet Doe Lecture – This nominee has a unique perspective on the history and perspective of medical librarianship.  The Janet Doe lecturer will be honored with a certificate, a $250 honorarium, travel expenses for the MLA meeting publication of their lecture in JMLA. 

Ida and George Eliot Prize – Awarded annually this if for a work published in the preceding calendar year (2008) which has been judged most effective in furthering medical librarianship.  The recipient receives a cash reward of $200 and a certificate at the annual meeting. 

Carla J. Funk Government Relations Award–  This award recognizes a medical librarian who has furthered the goal of providing quality information for improved health by demonstrating outstanding leadership in the area of governmental relations at the federal, state, or local level.  Nominees must have been members of MLA at the time of the contributions or activities which include but are not limited to increasing awareness of legislative agendas, testified before governmental bodies, met with policymakers or enhanced the Association’s governmental relations network. 

Murray Gottlieb Prize – This prize, established in 1956, is to recognize and stimulate health sciences librarians’ interest in the history of medicine.  It is awarded annually for the best unpublished essay on the history of medicine and allied sciences written by a health sciences librarian. 

T. Mark Hodges International Service Award– This award was established by the Medical Library Association in 2007. It honors an outstanding individual achievement in promoting, enabling, and or delivering improvements in the quality of health information internationally through the development of health information professionals, the improvement of libraries or an increased use of health information services. 

Majors/MLA Chapter Project of the Year Award – This award recognizes MLA Chapter projects that demonstrate advocacy, service, or innovation that contribute to the advancement of health sciences librarianship. 

Lucretia W. McClure Excellence in Education Award – This award, established in 1998 is given an outstanding practicing librarian or library education in the field of health sciences librarianship and informatics who demonstrates skills or leadership in education at national, regional or local levels.  The recipient receives a certificate at the Annual Meeting and an award of $500. 

MLA Fellows and Honorary Members – MLA has recognized for more than 50 years individuals who have made sustained, outstanding contributions to medical librarianship and to the advancement of the purposes of MLA and MLA Fellows.  Nominees must have been regular members of MLA for at least 15 years prior to nomination and have at least 10 years of professional experience in health information science. 

Rittenhouse Award – This award is for library students in an ALA accredited library school or an intern.  The award, established 42 years ago, is for an unpublished paper or web based project in health sciences librarianship or medical informatics.  Winners receive free conference registration to the Annual Meeting, $500, and a certificate.

Thomson Reuters/Frank Bradway Rogers Information Advancement Award – This award recognizes outstanding contributions in applying technology to the delivery of health sciences information.  The recipient will receive $500 and recognition at the Annual Meeting.

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