Ovid Users Get to Know the New OvidSP

I posted earlier this month that Ovid launched a new version of OvidSP.  The new OvidSP will be going live fairly soon, so it would probably be a good idea to be prepared before the switch. 

Here are some ways that you can prepare for the switch:

  • Go to the OvidSP Resource Center and click on the Training Center tab.  Ovid is offering new training sessions covering the enhancements made to OvidSP.  They have web-based instructor sessions as well as online tutorials. 
  • Quick Reference Cards, check it out online and order some for your library.  They are also great to use as a starting point for customizing your own library specific Ovid search cards. 
  • If you are looking for a quick comparison of Old OvidSP and New OvidSP there is a good side by side PDF available.
  • My Projects is a new feature in OvidSP and from what I can tell it is similar to PubMed’s MyNCBI but unlike MyNCBI you can store the full text in MyProjects. 

I plan on taking an more in-depth look at the new changes made to OvidSP within the next week or two and I will write more the changes at that time.