I sat in on the PubMed Redesign online meeting today. If you weren’t able to sit in on the session or had audio difficulties they recorded and it will be is available to view. https://webmeeting.nih.gov/p10795826/.
David went through the slides that he showed at the MLA conference in May. Details are in the June 2009 issue of the NLM Technical Bulletin. The changes to PubMed will probably happen sometime mid September and they hope to have a 2 week preview before things really go official.
David covered a lot of information in his slides and there were a lot of good questions after his presentation. I tried taking notes as we went along but there was so much information and so many good questions that I will have to view the video again.
But this is what I have learned and remembered so far:
- Advanced Search page will not be change
- Citation Matcher will stay but will only be available from Home Page and Advance Search
- My NCBI might change names to Preferences
- Library icons will/should display in right hand corner with rest of full text icons
- Details will only be available from Advanced Search 🙁
From the chat box it seems that there are many librarians who want Details to be available on many/all screens not just Advance Search. They also want the option to link to the Advance Search directly instead of the PubMed home page. Since most of the “cool” or helpful things like Details, History, Citation Matcher are only available from the Advanced Search, many people may want to have a nice short cut straight to that area.
Once the link to the recording for the is up I will post it. The recording can be found at
I also plan to post the link for the West Coast session as well. I think watching the two sessions will be helpful because different important questions might be asked at each of those sessions.
“They also want the option to link to the Advance Search directly instead of the PubMed home page. ”
You can do that now… http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/advanced
My NCBI won’t be changing it’s name quite yet…
Nice work, Krafty.
Sadly, I missed the 1st half hour and “The Cougher” kinda got in the way of what was was being said. Thatnk you for posting your summary so quickly. I am most impressed !! Thanks also to Berci for reminding me about the event and your post yesterday via http://ff.im/6ajcZ on FriendFeed.