Just like the “Save the Date” reminders one often gets for weddings, NLM has sent out their own version via the Technical Bulletin for MEDLINE.
November 17th NLM will temporarily suspend adding fully indexed MEDLINE citations to PubMed. Publisher added and “in process” citations will still be added.
Mid December (no exact date yet) PubMed citations, translation tables, and MeSH database will be updated to reflect the 2011 MeSH.
Speaking of the 2011 MeSH. NLM is working on the MEDLINE year end processing duties which includes cleaning their closet and removing the out dated MEDLINE terms and bringing in the fresh new line of 2011 MESH terms to wear. So don’t forget to freshen up your own SDI closets with the latest MeSH terms and subheadings for a more precise fit and feel to your search results.