We will be sad to see Carla Funk leave as MLA’s executive director. Carla has given us many years of her guidance and wisdom. Carla will be staying on with us while we search for the next executive director, and the process to select that person has begun.
Linda Walton, MLA’s current President, posted on her Facebook page that the search committee has been formed and we will first be looking at and identifying a search firm to help us find the right candidate. We will also be review the current job description for the MLA executive director.
We are in the very very beginning of the process (we haven’t even had our first conference call) but as a member of the search committee I would like to ask MLA members if they had any thoughts about what they would like to see in the next executive director. Feel free to comment on blog. If you would like your thoughts to be more private you can email me (use the email you find within the MLA membership directory).
Is there a document on the MLA site that describes Carla’s current position? It’s hard to think of what should be included in a new position without more concrete context of the current position. For many of us, even those who are involved with many section and chapter activities, what Carla actually does is somewhat of a mystery. I don’t mean that negatively, but most of us aren’t working at executive directors of associations, so context would be helpful.