The National Library of Medicine is holding a Show Off Your Apps: Innavative Uses of NLM Information Challenge. The challenge is open to individuals, teams, and organizations. “The purpose of this contest is to develop innovative software applications to further NLM’s mission of aiding the dissemination and exchange of scientific and other information pertinent to medicine and public health.”
In order to be eligible, apps must use the NLM’s colelction of biomedical data, including downloadable data sets, APIs, and/or software tools. Basically it looks like you have to have an app that uses NLM stuff, not just some cool medical app that doesn’t have any content from NLM.
Apps will be judged via the following criteria:
- Quality and Accuracy (data are presented accurately)
- Impact on Potential Users (data presented clearly to target audience)
- Usability (operation of program requires minimal training and has the potential for repeated, regular use)
- Innovative Design (creativity and originality of concept)
- Platform Neutrality (operates on major web browsers, systems, and mobile devices)
- Extensibility (potential for further development)
- Alignment with Section 508 Accessibility Guidelines (see standards at:
Submission deadline is August 31, 2011.
Winners will be honored at NLM awards presentation in Behtesda, MD on November 2, 2011.
For more information go to:
On a personal note, I really hope they will list all of the submissions and have links to them so that we can test them and play with them.