The MLA election closes on December 6, 2013, now is the time to vote for your leaders if you haven’t done it already.
So if you haven’t voted, dig out the email from MLA that contains the unique URL for you to vote. Click on that URL and vote!
MLA provides the bios of the candidates for Nominating Committee, Board Member candidates, and Presidential candidates. In addition to the bios MLA provides a link to a statement from the Board and Presidential candidates answering a specific question posed to them. This can be found by clicking on the hyperlink of the candidate’s name.
If you haven’t voted and you are still unsure as to who to choose for President, MLA Focus just ran a spotlight article on the two candidates (me and Elaine). Both Elaine and I were given five questions that we had to answer to help members to get to know us better. Please read through my spotlight and Elaine’s to get better idea of our ideas for MLA.
Just make sure you vote before December 6th!!!