Vote for MLA Leadership

Now with the Presidential election over with, it is time for MLA members to set our sights on voting within our membership.  This is the membership’s opportunity to help guide the direction of MLA.  By electing the MLA President, Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee the membership chooses who will represent MLA and the members and its future.

The position of President is an easy concept for members, but Board of Directors and Nominating Committee aren’t always as clearly understood.  The MLA Board of Directors are people who “act on behalf of the membership according to the (MLA) mission statement, goals, and objectives, and strategic plan within parameters of the bylaws.  Direct business of the Medical Library Association (MLA), establish policies and procedures, foster the growth and development of MLA.” In a nutshell the Board of Directors act on bahalf of the MLA members, represent MLA, and work really hard to continue the growth and development of the association.  The Nominating Committee are nine people who select MLA members to run for President and Board of Directors. 

Before you vote, make sure you look at the people who are running.  You can do this at

Make sure you vote! You have until December 7th.